Cerulean's POV
Cerulean: Hey there.
Magenta: Oh, Cerulean, you startled me. I didn't hear you sneak up on me.
Cerulean: *chuckles* Sorry. Cool party, huh?
Magenta: Yeah, I guess. I wish Cela could be here.
Cerulean: Why? He's such a square. He'd just get in the way of the fun, ya know?
Magenta: Maybe. He's a good guy. He doesn't want to do anything that would get him in trouble. I get it.
Cerulean: Forget about him. Let's have some drinks, and chill.
Magenta: Sure, sounds good.
I look Magenta and wonder what she sees in my brother. She's cute, and honestly, I want her for myself. I mean, yeah, I have a girlfriend, and she's amazing, but she isn't here, and I'm really in the mood. Who cares? It's just sex right? After a couple of drinks, I bet I can get her to agree to it.
And right I was. She fell for it hook, line and sinker. She was all over me by the time we had downed a few beers.
Magenta: Ooooh, I think I drank too much.
Cerulean: Here, let me help you. Let's go somewhere quiet, eh?
Magenta: Okay.
I helped her walk into the next room, a spare bedroom. I sit her on the bed, and she sits there looking at me. I join her on the bed, and start caressing her. Everything is going according to plan. Now to execute it.
Cerulean: So, uh, Magenta. Have I told you how pretty you look tonight?
Magenta:*slurring* No, but thanks. You look pretty hot yourself.
Cerulean: How 'bout we have a little fun. I'm so turned on right now.
Magenta: B-but I can't. Cela, he'd kill me. He's my boyfriend, after all, and your brother. It's feels so wrong.
Cerulean: It feels so right to me. C'mon, he doesn't have to know.
Magenta: *sigh* Okay, as long as you don't tell him. Let's do it!
To get warmed up we make out. Her lips so soft on mine. I was ready to go whenever she was.

She strips down to her underwear, and I couldn't wait any longer. Then we do it, and it was awesome.
When the party starts to die down, I drop her off and head home. What a great night. Did I feel bad about sleeping with my brother's girl? Not even a little bit.
A couple days passed and it finally was Saturday, a perfect excuse to have Aqua come over to visit. The parents were out with the kids at the park, and Celadon was hanging at a friend's house. So I had the house to myself.
Cerulean: Hey, baby, you are looking gorgeous today.
Aqua: Right back at ya, handsome. I think this is the perfect opportunity to 'catch up' with each other if you get my drift. So how about it, Ceru? You in?
Cerulean: Oh, hell yeah.
Me pass up an opportunity for sex? Never.
We head into one of the rooms in the back of the house so if someone were to come home, we'd have time to hide the evidence.
We strip down and start cuddling on the couch. God, I love the feeling of her skin up against mine.
The cuddling turned to kissing, and then to making love.
Aqua: Do you have protection?
Cerulean: Don't worry about it, nothing's going to happen.
Aqua: Fine. If you say so. If I get pregnant, I'm going to kill you. Just putting it out there.
Cerulean: *chuckles* You're so cute.
It went on for quite a while. By that time I had worked up an appetite. I figured it was time to send Aqua home. My parents would probably be back soon, and I'd hate them to catch us.
Cerulean: Hey, babe. I think it's about that time. But before you go...
I lift her face to me, and look into her eyes. I feel her pulse under my fingertips, and my urge to feed strengthens. Just a little bite...
I bring her close to me, going in for a hug. Then, I bite into her neck, and she goes limp in my arms.
Once I had my fill, I set her back on her feet. She looks at me, confused. Then realization hits.
Aqua: You're- you're a vampire? I never knew. You look so different.
Cerulean: Right you are. Your father is a vampire right?
Aqua: Y-yes, but he's never showed that side around me. I-I don't know what to say.
Cerulean: Do you think any less of me?
Aqua: No, of course not. I'm surprised, that's all. Actually, I think it's kinda hot.
Cerulean: I think you better go now. My parents will be getting home soon.
Aqua: Okay. Well...I'll be seeing you around, handsome.
She quickly gets dressed and hurried out the door, passing my father as she left.
Cyan: Cerulean. A word please.
S***. Here it comes.
Cerulean: What?
Cyan: What did you do to that poor girl? She looked scared.
Cerulean: We just had a little fun, that's all. No biggie.
Cyan: Seriously? I know something else happened. Care to explain?
Cyan: Cerulean, we've gone over this. You. do. not. drink. from. humans!
Cerulean: Oh please, not like you haven't done it.
Cyan: Yeah, I have, but not without bad consequences. That's why you mustn't it.
Cerulean: Okay, Dad. I get it. I just...worked up an appetite and she was already here so I...
Cyan: *sigh* You need to control yourself. What if you hurt her?
Cerulean: Fine, I'll be more careful. Happy?
Cyan: You better. If you don't, then something bad will happen...eventually.
Cerulean: Whatever.
Then I left. Am I going to stop? Probably not. What's the worst that could happen?
Celadon's POV
Celadon: Hey, Magenta, how was the party? I wish I could've been there. I know sometimes guys can be creeps at those things.
Magenta: It was fun! And no worries, your brother had my back. He wouldn't let anyone mess with me.
Celadon: I'm glad. So, babe, I was thinking...that we should take our relationship to the next level.
Magenta: Um, yeah, that sounds good to me.
This is it. We are finally giving our bodies over to each other, and we're ready. This will be the first time for both of us. I escorted her over to my bed and we did the deed.
Celadon: Damn girl, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you've done this before.
Magenta: What's that supposed to mean?
Celadon: Nothing, it was a joke. You're just really good at this, that's all.
Magenta: *smiles* I know, Cela. I'm just messing with you.
As far as sex goes, it was great. I mean, I don't have anything to compare it to, but I couldn't imagine it being any better. I love this girl, and this experience made it that much better.
Little did I know, life as I know it was going to change. In a big way.
<-- Chapter 7-11
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