The boys enjoyed having Mom around the house, especially when she cooked for them. It took them a while to get used to having their grandfather around.
Unfortunately, Mom didn't stay with us as long as we hoped. A year after she moved in, she passed away. Memories and feelings from Dad's death returned.
Several years passed since then, and Belle and I started to look our age. We definitely weren't as young as we used to be, but we tried to keep the romance alive.
The twins are now teenagers which means it's time to have 'the talk' with them. The vampire one, not the other one. At least not yet. Cerulean is the one I'm worried about. He's become very rebellious over the years, and I have a feeling he's going to do something he's going to regret. Celadon is much more sensitive and obedient, so I don't think I'll have issues with him.
Cyan: Hey, boys, we need to talk.
Celadon: Sure, Dad, be right there.
Cerulean: Yeah, yeah, I'm coming.
I sit them down at the dining room table. They look nervous, like I'm going to yell at them or something.
Cerulean: What's this all about?
Cyan: You're not in trouble, if that's what you're getting at. We need to talk about your soon-to-be abilities.
Cerulean: Oh, okay.
Celadon: Okay, sure.

Cyan: So, as you know, you are vampires. Since now you've hit your teenage years, you're powers are going to start manifesting, and I need to lay down some ground rules.
Cerulean: Seriously? There are rules?
Cyan: Yes, and it's important for you to follow them. So listen up, especially you, Cerulean.
Cerulean: Why me?
Cyan: Because I know how much you like to go against everything I say. Anyway...the hardest thing you will have to deal with is the thirst. So, Rule #1: Do not drink from humans.
Celadon: What do we do then?
Cyan: Blood packs, and lots of them. The last thing you want is to accidentally attack or kill an innocent person.
Cerulean: What if they're aren't innocent?
Cyan: Just don't do it, okay?
Cerulean: Fine. Whatever.
Cyan: Rule #2: Don't expose yourself.
Cerulean: But-
Cyan: Not like that, though I don't recommend doing that either .I mean don't expose yourself as a vampire to anyone. It could risk our safety. Most people don't take too kindly to that kind of information.
Celadon: Anything else?
Cyan: Those are the two major ones I can think of. Bottom line: don't do anything stupid. Got it?
Celadon: Yes.
Cerulean: Ugh...okay. Got it.
Oh, and I forgot to mention. Belle and I are having another baby. It wasn't something that was planned, but we're thrilled nontheless.
Cyan: So, Mama. Do we know the sex yet?
Belle: *smiles* Yes. We do.
Cyan: And?
Belle: It's...a...GIRL!
Cyan: Really? Awesome! I know how much you wanted this. Congrats, baby!
After finding out that she's finally having a daughter, Belle was glowing. This was the first time in a long time I've seen her so happy.
When our daughter, Indigo, arrived Belle entered protective mama bear mode. She wouldn't let the baby out of her sight.

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