Reader discretion advised: While I try to keep things PG13, one scene may be inappropriate for younger readers. There isn't any nudity, but there is a scene where sex is implied and the language is uncensored, slightly more graphic than how I normally write.
Hey beautiful, how are you today?

Belle: Oh, the usual. I want these babies to out all ready. I feel like a whale.
Cyan: Don't say that, you're glowing. You look really cute waddling around everywhere.
Belle: Gee thanks.
Cyan: That's a compliment, really. You are no less attractive to me than before, maybe even more so.
Cyan: Anyway, I gotta go out for a while. I'm really needing some fresh blood right now. Gotta get stocked up on energy for when the babies arrive.
Belle: Whatever you say, just don't do anything stupid. You're going to control yourself right?
Cyan: Oh ye of little faith. Yes, of course. I'll behave. Love you, baby. See you later.
Belle: Bye, babe.
I decided to visit my favorite hunting ground-- the nightclub. Most people are too drunk to remember what happened, and people don't give odd behavior a second glance. It's the perfect spot to find my prey, and it's a fun environment so it's a win-win situation.
What I didn't know that this was one of the worst decisions of my life.
I hang around scoping the room for the perfect victim. Nothing yet. I decided to run to the restroom. Even vamps have to go sometimes.
As I was leaving, Seafoam, my old friend from school came in. What is she doing here?
Seafoam: Oh, there you are! I knew I saw you stalking around out there.
Cyan: Uh, hi, Seafoam. Long time, no see. I gotta go, see you around.
She blocks the door and I step back. What is she doing?
Seafoam: You're not going anywhere, Cyan. I know what you are, and I need you to do something for me.
Cyan: what? Can this wait?
Seafoam: I need you to fuck me. I have a vampire kink, and I need you to help me out.
Cyan: Excuse me?
Seafoam: You heard me. Now pull down your pants.
Cyan: What the fuck, Sea? I'm married; I'm not doing that. Now move.
She walks towards me with a fierce look in her eyes, and before I realize what she's doing, she grabs my dick...and starts rubbing. Oh fuck, she's serious.
Cyan: Seriously, Sea. I said no. I'm not going to go along with your little fantasy. Find someone else.
She tightens her grip, making me flinch.
Seafoam: And I said, you're not going anywhere. I'm not letting go until you agree to this. Just this one time, please?
Cyan: Oh my God, take the hint, already. NO!
Seafoam: Fine, how about this? If you walk out of this room right now, I'll expose you and wifey's little secret to the whole town. How do you think that will go over?
She keeps rubbing, trying and succeeding to get my body in the mood, looking satisfied with her blackmail scheme.
Seafoam: I know that you're head is saying no, big boy, but your body is saying fuck yes! Let's do it already. You don't want to risk your little family's safety, do you?
It kills me to do this, but I agree, reluctantly. I don't want to put my family in danger if she's serious about her threat. Belle's going to murder me.
Cyan: *sigh* Fine. Let's get this over with.
Seafoam: Well, I already got ya warmed up, so get going!
I undress, and walk over to where she's standing naked, contemplating whether to bolt for the door. I really don't want to do this. Please forgive me, Belle. I'm doing this for you.
Seafoam: Come on, fuck me already!
I push her up against the wall and start doing the deed. Not really trying, just wanting to humor her.
Seafoam: You gotta do better than that! I know you got it in you. Oh, I know, pretend like I'm wifey. I'm sure that's some hot shit right there.
Cyan: You are one psycho bitch, you know that?
To satisfy her, I start thrusting harder, faster, trying not to think about it. I just want to get this over with.
Seafoam: Oooh, that's better, but I know you still aren't putting you're all into it. *mimicking Belle* Cyan, baby, I love you, I want to be with you forever!
Cyan: Stop, talking. Seriously.
Seafoam: What? Cyan, am I not good enough for you? Not like that flat-chested--
Cyan: Shut up!
I snapped. My vampire side came out, and I lost all control. I started
giving her what she really wanted. And she wanted it rough.
Seafoam: Oh yeah! That's what I was waiting for! Vampire mode: activate! Fuck yes!
Seafoam: Are you thirsty, Cyan? Drink up, I don't mind. I'd actually really like it.
Without waiting for another invitation, I instinctively bite down into her throat, getting what my body wanted: blood ,and plenty of it.
Seafoam: Holy fuck, that hurts, but it feels sooo good! Take all you want, big boy.
Finally, I'm able to regain control, and stop before I took too much blood. I jump back away from her, snatch my clothes from the floor, and run out the door, not looking back.
I made it home, panicking that I'm going to turn around and see her following me. Thankfully she wasn't there. Hopefully she's had enough. I don't want to be in that situation again. Ever. How am I going to explain this to Belle? Should I tell her at all, or just pretend it never happened?
Belle: There you are, I was getting worried.
Cyan: Sorry to keep you waiting. I had an...interesting night.
Belle: Everything alright? You look winded. Did something happen?
I have to tell her. I can't keep something like this. I just hope she'll understand why I did it.
Belle: Oh my God, what did you do?
Cyan: Well, I went to the nightclub, since it's a good place to hunt...
Belle: Okay, and?
Cyan: I ran into Seafoam. Remember her?
Belle: I do. Okay, what then?
Cyan: Well, she cornered me in the bathroom, and...well...she forced me to have sex with her.
Belle: Oh, Cyan, you didn't!
Cyan: I did. I'm sorry. I didn't want to.
Belle: Then you should have said no.
Cyan: I did. She threatened to expose us. She seemed serious, and I didn't want to risk it.
Belle: *sigh* God, Cyan, how do you always get yourself into these situations?
Cyan: But there's more.
Belle: Dammit, Cyan. What else?
Cyan: She apparently has a vampire kink, and she purposely activated 'vampire mode' as she called it...and I drank from her. I lost control, I c-couldn't resist it.
Belle: *facepalm* You didn't hurt her did you?
Cyan: No, I stopped myself before taking too much.
Belle: Well, that's good at least. Please tell me you at least used protection?
Cyan: *Shakes head* Didn't exactly have an option or the time to even think about it.
Belle: F***.
Cyan: Baby...I'm so sorry. I-I tried everything I could to avoid the situation, but I couldn't, so I had to give in to her. She's psychotic.
Belle: Whatever.
Cyan: Baby?
Belle: I need to be alone for a while. Give me some space.
Cyan: ...
F***. She's pissed, understandably so. I would be too if the tides were turned. The pregnancy hormones aren't helping either.
This was the first, and hopefully only, rough patch in our marriage. And I feel guilty about it all the time. I should have tried harder to get away, or attempted to compel her or something. Now I have a psycho bitch obsessed with me.
We were finally able to talk it through and make up, just in time for the babies to arrive.
Belle: Cyan! It's time! We need to go to the hospital ASAP.
Cyan: I got you. Let's go!
We got her set up in the hospital room, and now we were just playing the waiting game. I comforted her through the contractions. I hated seeing her in so much pain.
Finally it was time. She held my hand the whole time.
Our little boys, had finally arrived, and we were overjoyed, completely forgetting about the whole Seafoam incident.
We named the Cerulean and Celadon. Cerulean looks like me and Celadon looks like Belle.
We are finally able to live as a happy little family. Hopefully.
<-- Chapter 7-5
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