After a long, exhausting day in the sun, the two of us went home. Peace and quiet at last.
Cyan: Alright, baby, so where do you want to go for our honeymoon?
Belle: Well, actually, I think we should skip the honeymoon.
Cyan: Okay, if that's what you want. May I ask why?
Belle: We need to prepare.
Cyan: Prepare for what?
Belle: Prepare the nursery.

Cyan: Prepare a nurs- Wait...you're pregnant?
Belle: Yes, you're gonna be a daddy!
Cyan: Wow, so soon! That's great news...Mama.
Belle: *giggles* Exciting isn't it?
Cyan: Yes, very exciting. So vampire babies...
Belle: Are no different than human babies. Vampires that are born, as opposed to created, don't grow into their powers until adolescence.
Cyan: Good to know.
One month later...
Cyan: Damn, Mama. you started showing really quickly.
Belle: Are you saying I'm fat?
Cyan: No of course not, baby. You look stunning, as always.
Belle: I'm just joking with you. I had an ultrasound done today. We're having twins!
Cyan: Wow, that's awesome. Two for the price of one, huh?
Belle: Yep!
With the exciting news of our growing family, we began to prepare for the next chapter of our lives.
<-- Chapter 7-4
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