Monday, May 27, 2019

Chapter 9-7

Mac, it's time!

Macadamia: Baby time? You're sure?

Lavender: Oh, definitely.
Macadamia: Alright, then, let's get you to the hospital. 

The three of us headed to the hospital. This pregnancy had seemed to drag on compared to my last one and I was ready to get this baby out.

Labor and delivery was much quicker this time around, thankfully. The pain, however, seemed to be worse. 

Our son, Aster, was born late that night, and we took him home the next morning.

As opposed to his sister, who takes almost entirely after Mac, Aster is more of a mixture of the two of us. He has Mac's light hair, and my light skin and purple eyes.

 The two years after that seemed to fly by. He was a toddler before we knew it. And all I can say is that he is definitely his father's son...a little charmer.

 He is a bit more mischievous than his sister was at that age.  I've caught him making a mess with paint on multiple occasions.

Lavender: Aster, honey, what did Mommy say about making a mess?
Aster: Mess bad?
Lavender: Yes, making a mess is bad. How many times does Mommy have to tell you this? Mommy is very disappointed that you won't listen.Aster: Sowwy, mommy. No again.
Lavender:  Thank you, baby. I love you.
Aster: Wuv you, mommy.

Surprisingly after that, I haven't had anymore paint incidents. I was honestly expecting it to happen at least a couple more times. I'm not complaining. 

Chantilly has really taken to being a big sister, but it did take some getting used to. She has become a big help, especially on days where Mac and I are busy with work.

Speaking of gigs have been going great, and I'm being recognized when I'm out and about as an actress, not just Macadamia's wife. 

Life is good. Working hard really does pay off.

Now let's hope things continue to get better from here on out.

<-- Chapter 9-6 

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Chapter 9-12

A year after the miscarriage, Chantilly and Obsidian are officially young adults. And I'm happy to announce that are expecting...