Friday, April 19, 2019

Chapter 4-4

 Love is a strange thing when think about it. It's strange how infinite and unconditional love is. How much a parent loves their child, to the point where they'd do anything for them. I am feeling so much love at this point in my life, that I barely know what to do with it. How did I become so fortunate to be blessed with a beautiful daughter and amazing husband who loves me so much? How can I possibly have more love to give than I already have? I guess we'll find out soon.

Maize and I are having another baby, a little girl. We were elated when we found out. When I explained to Sunnie, that mommy's having another baby, she became obsessed with the mystery of the baby. How did it get in there? When will it be here?

 She loves to sit on the ground with me, and feel my belly, fascinated when her sister kicked. It is very cute.

She really doesn't understand what a baby is, or what's going to happen, but she's curious and excited all the same. 

I was in and out of the hospital pretty quickly when I went into labor. Labor pains started late one night at home. It didn't last nearly as long as labor with Sunnie did. By the next morning, Daisy was born, and safe and sound at home before noon.

When Daisy was home and fed, we let Sunnie hold her. I think that is when she finally understood that the baby was here to stay.

As Daisy grew, so did her personality. She is a very bubbly little girl, who loves water and playing with Grandma.

She and Sunnie became the best of friends. I love seeing the two of them together.

Even with the two young ones, Maize and I kept our romance alive. Late night swims were a nice way to have some alone time after we put the girls to bed.

<-- Chapter 4-3

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