Two months later
Sunnie's POV
Well, I knew it. That woohoo was a mistake. Too soon, and unprotected. Now I'm pregnant.
I need to tell Cranberry ASAP. The two of us are still together. We officially started dating a month ago. We have woohooed since that first time, but we were careful those other times, so I know I got pregnant from that first woohoo.
I texted him that I needed to tell him something in person. He agreed to come over.
Cranberry: Hey Sunnie, what's up?
Sunnie: We need to talk in private. Let's sit out by the pool.
Cranberry: Alright, lead the way.
I lead him to the table outside by the pool. Before we sit down, I decide to give him the news.
Cranberry: ...
Sunnie: Is something wrong?
Cranberry: N-no, nothing, that's great news. But, I have something I need to talk to you about as well. You're not going to be happy with me, especially after what you just told me.
Sunnie: You're kidding, right?
Cranberry: Unfortunately not. Let's sit down.
We sit down. I'm nervous now. This doesn't sound like it's going to end well. When he starts talking, my heart drops into my stomach.
Cranberry: Sunnie, this relationship between us has to end. I'm sorry.
Sunnie: But-but why? What did I do? Is it because of the baby?
Cranberry: It has nothing to do with the baby. This is all my fault. I'm an idiot. I shouldn't have gotten romantically involved with you. You see...I'm...well, I'm married.
Once he says that, everything made sense. His nice apartment, his "roommates", everything. It was too good to be true. I started bawling,surging hormones were enhancing my emotions.
Cranberry: S*** Sunnie, I'm really sorry. You're a gorgeous woman, and I fell for you...hard. If I wasn't married...
Sunnie: *in between sobs* What about the baby? Are you going to be involved in his/her life at least?
Cranberry: I'll be there for our child. I would like to stay in touch, and be friends. I feel so bad about this, and I'm not going to make you raise this baby alone. But...we can't tell my wife, for obvious reasons.
Sunnie: F-fine. Friends it is. I wish you would have told me about this before. I wouldn't have thrown myself at you if I'd known.
Cranberry: I know, I made a mistake. I hope you'll forgive me. I shouldn't have led you to believe I was interested, but I couldn't help it. You're so beautiful, and that attracted me to you, like a magnet. And since we're being honest...I want you to know that I have two children.
Sunnie: I feel like I don't know you at all. I was stupid for trusting you. I knew it was too good to be true.
Cranberry: Listen, this is not your fault in any way, shape or form. It was all me, and I'll take responsibility for that, and for the consequences because of this. I'm going to go now. If you need me, give me a call, okay?
I nod, and he leaves. How could he do this to me? How could he keep such a huge secret from me?
I go inside, not knowing what to do now. Sure, he said he'll help with the baby, but is he telling me the truth, or just telling me what I want to hear? How can I trust him now? Guess I'm on my own.
Sunnie: Mom, I need advice. Cranberry just broke it off with me. He told me that he's married. Can you believe that? How date he lie to me like that?
Blossom: *sigh* I don't believe that; he seems like such a nice guy. But you know, as the saying goes, 'There are plenty of other fish in the sea.' There's nothing you can do, but to move on.
Sunnie: But, there's more...
Blossom: Oh? Like what?
Sunnie: I'm pregnant, Mom. He left me after I told him. He said he'll be in the baby's life; he wants to stay friends. He doesn't want a romantic relationship, and he doesn't want his wife to know about any of this.
Blossom: Oh, well, that changes things, doesn't it? But it could be worse. He could have refused to be involved or said that the baby isn't his...lots of things. Consider yourself lucky. At least he wants to help you out. Your grandmother wasn't that lucky when she had your Aunt Holly.
Sunnie: What do you mean? What happened?
She proceeded to tell me about how my aunt was conceived when my grandmother was raped and how the father wanted nothing to do with the baby. That really put things in perspective for me. It COULD have been worse...much worse. I don't know what I would have done in that situation.
I decided that I'm going to try my best to make things work with Cranberry, as friends of course.
The next evening...
Citron: Hey, sis. I heard what happened. I can't believe he did that. Do you want me to beat him up, show him who's boss?
Sunnie: *giggles* No, Citron. I don't need his death on my plate too. Thanks though.*giggles*
Daisy: Seriously, Sunnie. If you need us to, we'll teach him a lesson!
Sunnie: I'll be okay, guys, really. Thanks for the concern.
My pregnancy cravings began shortly after that. All I wanted was popcorn. It's so weird, since I normally don't like popcorn.
Pregnancy is already doing strange things to my body, so I'm curious as to what's to come. I guess we'll find out soon.
<-- Chapter 4-7
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