The next day, I went to the club room after school as usual, but decided I didn't feel like practicing, so I just hung out with Belle.

Cyan: I feel like s***.
Belle: Are you getting sick?
Cyan: That's the thing. I don't know. It's weird. It comes and goes. One minute I'm perfectly fine, and the next my throat gets really sore and then it'll go away again. And I feel sick anytime I eat anything...
Belle: Oh no!
Cyan: What do you mean 'Oh no!?'
Belle: Well...to me it sounds like...
Cyan: Sounds like what?
Belle: It sounds like you're transitioning...becoming like me.
Cyan: What?! I thought you said that wouldn't happen!
Belle: I didn't think it would. I mean, there's a small chance that it could happen, but it's such a small chance that I was sure it wasn't going to. I'm sorry, I should have told you.
Cyan: Yeah, that would have been nice to know. Is there anything that I can do to prevent it, to stop it?
Belle: I'm afraid not. Oh, Cyan, I'm so sorry! This is all my fault! If I controlled myself, this would have never happened. :(
Belle: Are you alright?
Cyan: My head...what's happening?
Belle: The final stage of transition. Stay with me, Cyan. We'll get through this.
Cyan: You did this to me! This is your fault!Belle: I know, don't remind me. I'm sorry!
My throat starts to burn worse than ever, like there's literally fire working it's way up my esophagus.
Oh my God, is he okay? What's going on?
I look up to see Ice standing there. Of course. Talk about being at the wrong place at the wrong time. I couldn't speak since I was in so much pain. So Belle took it upon herself to get her to leave.
Belle: He'll be fine. He's just not feeling well. You know he can be a bit of a drama queen.
Ice: I want to help.
Belle: Ice, you need to leave.NOW!
Ice: I'm not leaving him. He looks like he's in agony. Let me take a look.
Belle: I'm warning you. You need to leave...or else.
Ice: I'll take my chances.
Ignoring Belle's warning, she pushed herself past and kneeled in front of me.
Ice: Hey, bro. You alright?
Cyan: Ice...leave...now.
Ice: I'm not going anywhere!
Cyan: So...stubborn.
Belle: Seriously, you should get out before he-
A terrified look appears on her face.
Ice: What happened to you?!
Then, as if some primal instinct kicked in, I lunged at Ice, grabbed her by the throat and pinned her to the ground.
Ready to strike, I bare my teeth which have elongated into fangs, and start to inch towards her throat.
Belle: NO, Cyan! Don't do it! Let her go!
Ignoring Belle's words, I sink my fangs into her soft, fleshy throat. Licking the warm,blood, gushing from the vein, I feel euphoric, like this is what my body needed.
Suddenly, I snap out of my trance, and jump back, horrified, blood still dripping from my lips.
No, no, no...what have I done?
Belle: Well, um...that was...interesting. Stupid girl should have listened to me.
Cyan: Ice...oh my God...Is she-
Belle: No, she's alright. You startled her pretty good, though. I think that's why she passed out. I'm surprised you snapped out of it that quickly. Most people go rogue right after transition, and kill or seriously injure their first victim. She didn't lose too much blood; she'll be fine. I'll clean her up and take care of this.
Cyan: How?
Belle: I'll compel her, make her believe she just fell and hit her head. I'll convince her that the marks on her neck are inconveniently placed bug bites. She won't remember a thing.
Cyan: You can do that?
Belle: Yep, I don't have enough power to do it often, so I only do it in emergency situations. We don't need this incident to get out and expose us.
Cyan: So, why didn't you do that to me?
Belle: I felt like I could trust you. I wasn't expecting all this to happen, though.
I watched as Belle worked her magic. I was amazed. I didn't know vampires had that kind of power.
Belle: Oh, hey there, Ice. How are you feeling? You had a nasty fall.
Ice: I-I'm okay...wait... Cyan, is he okay? His face...
Belle: I don't know what you're talking about. You must've hit your head pretty hard. Let's get you up.
Ice: No, I remember, Cyan attacked me. What happened to him? Why was he like that?
I got nervous for a second. Then Belle held Ice's gaze, and compelled her like she said she could.
Belle: Listen, Ice. Nothing happened here today. You fell and hit your head, causing you to hallucinate things that are so obviously not real. The marks on your neck are just bug bites, nothing to worry about. Now then, go on home and rest.
Ice: Okay, good idea. See you later.
As if hypnotized, Ice left the room without a second glance. I'm impressed.
Belle: Alright, now that she's taken care of, we need to deal with you. How are you feeling?
Cyan: Apart from traumatized by what I did to poor Ice? I'm okay, I guess. I do feel a little weak though.
Belle: Really? That's weird. Usually it's the other way around.
Belle's POV
Today just isn't my day. I thought there weren't going to be any serious consequences from biting Cyan, not that I meant to. Now he's a vampire like me, and frankly, he looks awful. And it's all my fault.
Cyan: Well, now what?
Belle: You're going to have to adjust. It won't be easy.
Cyan: *sigh* Great, just great.
Belle: You're mad, aren't you?
Cyan: No, I just feel like s***. I need to go home.
Belle: If that's what you want.
Just as I was about to grab a tissue to wipe the blood from his face, he collapses. Luckily, I was able to break his fall. F***, this isn't a good sign.
I'm able to get him to come back into consciousness, enough to get him on his feet.
Belle: Let me help you get home.
Cyan: mm..k
Damn, can't a girl catch a break? Today just keeps getting worse. First his unexpected transition, and now his body could be rejecting the change, which would kill him if that's the case. I'm going to need a drink after today. If his mother doesn't kill me first.
Please don't die.
Chapter 7-3 -->
<-- Chapter 7-1
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