Belle's POV
Please don't die on me, Cyan. I couldn't live with myself if that happened. We didn't see any of this coming. It wasn't supposed to be this way!
With great difficulty, even with my vampire strength, I was able to get him home and into his bed. Thankfully his parents weren't home. How the hell would I have explained that? 'Hey Mrs. Greene, I accidentally turned your son into a vampire and his body could be rejecting the change, which might kill him'? I'd be dead for sure. She already dislikes me; I don't need to add killing her son to her list of reasons why.
Cyan was drifting in and out of consciousness. It really isn't looking good for him. I decided to stay with him. There's no way I'm leaving him alone like this.
Belle: C'mon, stay with me, Cyan. You can beat this.
I feel awful about this whole situation and I can't stop blaming myself. None of this would have happened if it weren't for me. I found myself talking to him, constantly, hoping would answer. And... nothing.
Belle: *tearing up* Ugh, I hate this. I'm so sorry for all this, Cyan. Please don't die on me.
Cyan: This wasn't in the brochure. Being a vampire sucks.
Ignoring his little pun, I almost cried at that moment.
Belle: Oh good! You're awake, finally. Feeling any better?
Cyan: A little. I feel like every muscle of my body is sore.
Belle: I'm glad you're up, and it sounds like your body is starting to accept this new change. You're going to be alright. I hope.
Cyan: Let's talk about something else other than my imminent doom, okay?
Belle: Oh stop being dramatic, being a vampire isn't that bad.
I lean towards him a give him a kiss. Finally it sounds like progress is being made. He's going to make it, I know it. Still, I can't help but worry about him.
I decide to let him get some more sleep and leave the room to stretch my legs. His mother is home. I tried to sneak past her back into his room, but she saw me. S***.
Ivy: What did you do to my son? He looks like hell. This is your doing, I know it!
Belle: I'm sorry, Mrs. Greene, you're right. This is my fault, and I feel horrible. He is really sick, and he needs me.
Ivy: Like hell he does! Get out of my house, I don't want you around here anymore! I'll take care of him.
Belle: But you don't unders-
Ivy: Out. NOW.
Belle: Alright, alright, I'm going.
Since his mom had the next couple days off of work, I kept tabs on Cyan through text messages. Thankfully he's feeling well enough to get out of bed and move around. I was go glad to hear. I couldn't wait to see him again.
When his mom went back to work, I went back to his house.
Belle: Oh, thank God. You look so much better.
Cyan: I'm feeling a lot better. It's finally over, I hope.
Belle: The worst is over, for sure.
Cyan: Good, that was pure torture.
Belle: Now for the fun part: conquering the thirst.
Cyan: *sacastically* Oh, yay, can't wait.
Finally the three days of torture are behind me and I can focus on adjusting to this new life. It's definitely going to be tough. Resisting the urge to feed has been the hardest part so far besides the transition of course, especially when you live with your human parents. There have been several instances where I had to slip into the bathroom to recollect myself. I keep forgetting that I don't have a reflection anymore to see what I look like to other people. I guess it's similar to how Belle looks when her dark form comes out.

Cyan: So remind me of what the advantages to this vampire thing are.
Belle: Well... as I mentioned before, you're stronger and faster than humans. You learn things faster as well. And your senses are enhanced so you pick up on things that humans can't. Emotions and feelings are enhanced the most.
Cyan: Such as?
Belle: Such as pleasure...and love.
She leans forward and kisses me.

Belle: *smiles* Guilty. That is true though.
Cyan: *smiles back* Oh,come here, you.
She's right, as it turns out. I never paid attention to it before. My nerve endings feel extra sensitive to her touch, making being around her that much more satisfying. Maybe this won't be too bad after all.
I wanna I wanna I wanna touch you
You wanna touch me too
Everyday but all I have is time
Our love's the perfect crime.
You wanna touch me too
Everyday but all I have is time
Our love's the perfect crime.
I've been doing great when Belle's around to keep me grounded. It's when she isn't here that I've been having difficulty.
Cyan: I'm so f***ing hungry. Damn it, I can't concentrate.
I took it upon myself to learn more about vampires, trying to separate the facts from the myths. There was much more to it than I realized.
Unfortunately, my mom came in my room to talk to me after I finished drinking a blood pack. I was trying to avoid eye contact. I didn't want her to see me like this.
Ivy: Hey, honey, I was just coming to check on you. You haven't seemed like yourself lately. Do you want to talk about it?
Cyan: Uh, not right now Mom.
Ivy: Look at me, please Cyan. I know something is seriously wrong.
Cyan: Can we talk later, please. I'm not it the mood right now.

She walks closer to me, and I knew there was no avoiding it. I stand and look at her, and her face said it all.
Ivy: Oh. My. God. What happened to you? You're not my son anymore.
Cyan: Mom...I don't know how to tell you this, but I-I'm a vampire.
Ivy: But-but that's impossible. They don't exist.
Cyan: Well, you're looking at one. This isn't a prank, Mom. This is my life now.
Ivy: *getting teary eyed* She did this to you, didn't she. That b****. I'm going to kill her. I knew there was something wrong with her the moment I met her.
Cyan: Leave her out of this, Mom. It was an accident! I love her, and nothing you say is going to change that!
Ivy: Fine, have it your way! I'm not going to fight with you about this. Do what you please.
Furious, she storms out of the room. Welp, the cat's out of the bag now.
Of course, she told my father, and he was more curious than angry, which was unexpected. I feel like I can tell him anything, so I told him everything that happened. He was stunned but seemed fascinated at the same time.
Luckily, I'll be turning 18 soon, and I'll be legally able to live on my own. That's exactly what I plan to do. I can't stay here any longer.
I don't want anyone else to get hurt because of me. I hurt Ice, even though she doesn't remember it, and I can't have that happen again.
Never again.
<-- Chapter 7-2
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