Lavender's POV
It's the night of Macadamia's concert and I am so pumped! I finally get to meet him. I know it sounds creepy, but I stalk his social media, and I know everything about him. He is sooo attractive, I absolutely adore him. Well tonight I get to see him in person and be alone with him. I can't wait!
My friends Merlot, Poppy and Cocoa got tickets to the show as well, just the general admission tickets though, not the VIP ones.
Poppy: Oh, this is going to be amazing!
Cocoa: You got that right, girl!
Lavender: For sure!
Cocoa: *laughs* Lav, you're drooling already, contain yourself. I know you're obsessed with him and all, but chill, okay?
Lavender: *giggles* I'll try.Merlot: *grinning* I'll hold her back so she doesn't jump him.
Poppy: *laughs* Okay, babe, you do that.
Poppy: Ooo, it's starting!
Lavender: There he is, omigosh!
Cocoa: Damn, he's even hotter in person!
Lavender: I know right?!
[insert Ed Sheeran-style music here.] :P
[audience cheering and singing along.]
Lavender: Omigosh, that was awesome!
Poppy: Hell yeah it was!
Cocoa: Let's go say hi!
Macadamia had decided to let fans come up and meet him, and get autographs, take selfies, etc. It wasn't something that was planned. How cool of him to do that!
Cocoa reached him first, and she was practically bouncing with excitement.
Cocoa: C-can I have your autograph, Mr. Snow.
Macadamia: Of course, darling. And please, just call me Mac.
Cocoa: Cool, thanks so much...Mac.
Macadamia: *smiles* Anytime.
Poppy was next, and she was fan-girling...hard. I'm surprised Merlot wasn't jealous.
Poppy: Omigosh, can you sign this for me, please? I love your work. You're so talented...
She rambles on for a while before she finally stopped herself. I couldn't help but laugh at her. I've never seen her act like this before. She's usually the mature one out of our group.
Merlot came up for a quick autograph. Even he was freaking out a little bit. He's such a goofball that I kinda expected it from him.
Finally it was my turn. I can't believe I am meeting him. It's a dream come true! I'll try to control myself.
Lavender: Hi, uh--Mac, my name is Lavender. I'm a huge fan, and I'm so glad I get to have this meeting with you.
Macadamia: Hello, Lavender. You're the young lady with the VIP pass, right?
Lavender: Yes, sir. That's me.
Macadamia: Very cool, we'll get around to the tour and stuff after I finish up here. Besides that, what can I do for you, dear?
Lavender: Can I get an autograph? Or maybe a selfie?
Macadamia: Whatever you want, just say it.
Lavender: A selfie then?
Macadamia: Of course.
He motions for me to come closer to take the photo. I couldn't help but notice how nice he smelled. Then we took the photo. This is definitely going in my room.
I thanked him and stepped aside so he can finish this impromptu meet and greet. When it was over, he looks at me and smiles.
Macadamia: Alright, now that that's out of the way, let's start the tour, shall we?
Lavender: Oooh, yes please!
My heart starts racing. He's sooo hot, I can't take it. Keep your cool, Lav. You don't want to make him call security on you for being a creep.
Macadamia: This is obviously the stage room. There really isn't much to show you backstage, just extra sound equipment and lighting, so I'll take you to the dressing room. Follow me.
Lavender: Okay, cool.
We walk down the hall of the venue. He opens the door, and leads me inside.
Macadamia: This is where the magic happens. It's nothing much, but it works for its intended purpose.
Lavender: Wow, this is beautiful. I've never been in a celebrity's dressing room before.
Macadamia: *chuckles* You're very excitable aren't you?
Lavender: Hehe, yeah I guess so.
Macadamia: Here, take a seat, relax.
He motions for the sofa in the living area that's attached to the dressing room. I was surprised when he sat down beside me. This is way more up close and personal than I expected it to be, and I'm loving every minute of it.
Macadamia: So, Lavender, tell me about yourself.
Lavender: I-uh, I've been a fan for a long time, since you first started, and to be honest meeting you tonight has been a dream come true.
Macadamia: Well, I'm glad I could fulfill that for you. Besides me, what else do you like? Any hobbies?
Lavender: I like to paint, but I haven't gotten enough practice in to get good at it. I also really want to get into acting. I know you're an actor as well, and I aspire to be as talented with it as you are.
Macadamia: Practice makes perfect. Just do that, and it'll come to you eventually.
We sit and talk about life and interests for a long time. During that time, he started inching closer and closer to me. I'm starting feel nervous, but in a good way.
Macadamia: I really enjoy talking to you, Lavender. You're a very interesting young lady. And you're beautiful. Has anyone told you that?
Lavender: Uh, no. Thank you, Mac. That means a lot.
By this point, his face is just inches from mine, his eyes looking directly into mine. I feel my cheeks go red.
He pulls me closer and kisses me. I was dumbfounded, having never kissed anyone before, but I return it.
Macadamia: Damn, I'm sorry Lavender, I shouldn't-
Lavender: No, it's okay. I liked it. I just wasn't anticipating that.
Macadamia: Okay, well, good. I'm glad it was enjoyable. I don't know what it is, but I feel the need to be close to you, to feel your skin on mine...I'm sorry, I-
Lavender: Listen, Mac. I don't care. I enjoy being close to you. God that sounds so stalker-ish when I say it.
Macadamia: Lavender, I don't want to be too forward...but do you want to take this to the bed?
What? Did he really just ask me that? This can't real. In no reality is this really happening. Right?
My face turns red again. What do I say?
Lavender: I-I, uh...
Macadamia: Nevermind. I apologize. I shouldn't have come onto you like that. I mean, this is supposed to be professional...Forget I said anything.
Lavender: Yes.
Macadamia: What?
Lavender: I said yes. I'll do it. It's just that I-uh...I've never done it before.
Macadamia: Wow, really, not even once?
Lavender: Really. Um...
Macadamia: I couldn't take that innocence from you. That should be saved for someone special. Forget it.
Lavender: No! No, I want this. I would love to. I wasn't expecting my first time to be with a celebrity, that's all.
Macadamia: Are you sure? I don't want to feel like I'm pressuring you into something you don't want.
Lavender: Mac, you can do whatever you want to me. I don't mind.
Macadamia: Oh-uh-okay then, let's do it.
I strip down to my undergarments, and he starts kissing my body. A wave of euphoria rushes over me. It's as if he's become a totally different person. And I like it...a lot.
We make our way over to the bed, and things got hot and heavy pretty fast from that point forward.

Macadamia: Are you okay? Did I..Was it too much? Do you want to stop?
Lavender: No, I'm fine. Just holy s***. I didn't know what to expect.
Macadamia: Alright, if you say so.
It continued for quite a long while. I lost track of time pretty soon after we started so I don't know how long it really lasted.
Macadamia: So, Lavender, did you enjoy yourself? Was your first time satisfactory?
Lavender: Hell yeah. That answer should be obvious. You really know what you're doing.
Macadamia: Yeah, like I said before 'practice makes perfect.'
Lavender: So...just how many girls have you been with?
Macadamia: I don't know. I lost count.
Lavender: That many, huh? I shouldn't be surprised. I'm sure you're a chick magnet.
Macadamia: Yeah, I guess you could say that.
Lavender: So...I was thinking we should exchange numbers or something. Maybe do this again sometime?
Macadamia: Um, Lavender, I don't want to burst your bubble, but there isn't going to be another time.
Lavender: What do you mean? I thought we had a connection.
Macadamia: Look, Lav, this is a one time thing, nothing more. No strings attached.
Lavender: *angrily* So this was a f*** and dump situation is it? I gave myself to you, let you take my virginity, and this is what I get?
Macadamia: I wouldn't put it quite like that, but...yeah. I'm sorry, Lavender. I should have made that clear. Listen, if I had known that you'd construe this as something else, I wouldn't have offered. This kinda thing happens all the time, female fans come to me after the show wanting sex and I need a little stress relief, so we do it, and that's it. I should have realized you aren't like the others.
Lavender: Unbelievable! I'm just another of your conquests. You make me sick! I'm leaving.
Macadamia: Please, Lavender...
Lavender: Leave me alone. Goodbye...Mac.
Macadamia: Wait, let's talk about this...
I turn my back to leave, and he's still trying to beg me to let him plead his case. Now he's just getting annoying. I guess I need to scare him. I let my dark form show through and turn to him. The look on his face is priceless.
Macadamia: L-
Lavender: *hissing* I said leave me alone.
Macadamia: S***, what are you?
Ignoring his question, I turn back around and storm out the door, down the hall. I walk out the front doors and out to my car, and drive home.
It's 11PM. Damn, I really was in there for a while. A few hours, at least. On the drive home, my mind was racing. I was feeling so many emotions: sadness, betrayal, but most of all, anger. How could I be so naive to think that someone like him would have a genuine interest in me, a homely 18-year-old fan? I'm such an idiot to fall for that.
The next day, my friends came over to hang out as planned. I was dreading it because I know they were going to ask about the night before.
It started out with just random chit chat, and then Cocoa asked the question.
Cocoa: So, Lav, how was the tour? I'm so jealous. I'd love to spend some time alone with that hottie.
Lavender: It was cool, I guess.
Poppy: You guess? You got the hang out with your idol! How are you not happy after that?
Cocoa: Wait...did something happen? Is that why you seem so down in the dumps today?
Lavender: Something did happen, but you guys won't believe me.
Poppy: Oh, come on, Lav, spill it. What happened?
Lavender: Well...after you guys left, he took me to see his dressing room. It was really nice in there.
Cocoa: Okay, and?
Lavender: Then we sat down and talked for a while, got to know each other. And then...
Poppy: Don't leave us in suspense.
Lavender: Then he came on to me, in a big way.
Cocoa: How?
Lavender: He kissed me for starters, and then he asked me to sleep with him.
Their eyes got as wide as saucers.
Poppy: So...did you...sleep with him?
Lavender: *blushing* Yes.
Cocoa: O.M.G. girl. Please tell me you're joking.
Lavender: Nope, not a joke, not a lie. It really happened. It was an amazing experience. He was so passionate, so gentle.
Poppy: Okay, so why do you seem so upset?
Lavender: Well, afterwards he said that it was just a fling, that it didn't mean anything. I, in my naive brain, was expecting the experience to blossom into something. He said it happens quite frequently.
Cocoa: So, in other words, he played you, just to get some action?
Lavender: *tearing up* Yes, that's exactly it. I was so angry that I yelled at him and stormed out.
Poppy: Wow. I-I can't believe he'd do such a thing. He seems like such a nice guy.
Lavender: Well, it seems that he's been fooling everyone. Myself included.
Cocoa: Damn, girl, I'm sorry you went through that.
I spent the rest of the week thinking about it, angry that he would do that to me. That night is one I'll always remember, and not for a good reason.
What I didn't know is that what happened that night was going to change my life forever.
In a very big way.
<-- Chapter 8-12
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