Huck: Aw, you really gotta go?Indigo: It's just for a couple of days. You gonna be okay watching Lav?
Huck: Yeah, I'll be fine. I'm sure your parents will help if I need it. Have fun.
Indigo: I don't know if 'fun' is the right word, but yes. I'll see you soon. Love you.
Huck: Love you too.
I arrive in San Marzipan, somewhere new to me. I was blown away to see all the lights and the towering skyscrapers. It's so different from our little town of NewCrust.
Neptune: Ah, there you are! I was worried you got lost. Welcome to the city.
Indigo: Thanks, it's lovely. What a nice place you've got here.
Neptune: Thanks, it's not looking too great right now. We're in the process of redoing it.
Viridian: Hey sis, what's up?
Indigo: What are you doing here?
Viridian: My dorm isn't too far from here. Nep told me you were coming so I thought I'd stop by to say hi.
Indigo: Well, hello, V. Nice to see you again.
Neptune: Come on in, make yourself at home.
Key Lime: Hey Indi, looking beautiful as always. We appreciate you being here to help us with this.
Indigo: My pleasure. So what do we do from here?
Neptune: I set up an appointment tomorrow to go to the clinic to meet with a doctor who specializes in in-vitro and surrogacy. We'll talk to her and see what needs to be done.
Indigo: Oh, okay. Sounds good. I'm a little nervous though. I hate going to doctors.
Neptune: I feel ya. Unfortunately it's the only way.
Indigo: Yeah, true.
Neptune: Well, it's getting late, so I'm gonna go to bed. You can stay in the guest room through that door. I'll see you in the morning. G'night, Indi.
Indigo: Good night, boys.
Viridian: Alright, I'll take my leave. Good luck with everything guys. See ya later.
Indigo: Bye.
Tired from the trip, I head to the room, get changed and pass out as soon as my head it the pillow.
At around 4 in the morning, I wake up to Key Lime on top of me, inside of me. What the f***? It took me a minute to realize what was happening.
Indigo: Key, what the hell?
Key Lime: Mornin' Indi. Glad you're awake. Enjoying your little surprise.
Indigo: *struggling against Key's weight* Get. off. of. me!
Key Lime: Hush, Indi. You said you wanted to help us, so here I am. I'm making us a baby.
Indigo: You motherf-.
Key Lime: *whispering* *puts hand over Indigo's mouth* Shut up! You're gonna wake Neptune.
Indigo: *unintelligble*
Key Lime: Now settle down, Indi. Let me do this. I've already started. Don't tell me you aren't enjoying it.
Indigo: *glares**shakes head*
Key Lime: I know what you're thinking, and yes I'm gay...mostly. Truth is, you're the only woman who makes me feel this way. I just had to know what it is like to be with a woman, and damn does it feel amazing.
I lay there, helpless, too weak to push him off. I guess I'm gonna have to lay here and take it. There's nothing else I can do. If I fight him, it's just going to make it worse. Then I had an idea.
I started to moan, pretending to be enjoying the sex. What I was really trying to do is to make enough noise that Neptune would hear me from his room next door.
Key Lime: Oh, you like that do you? How about this?
My plan backfired. The moans just got him more excited and he started going harder, rougher. The pain started to get to me, and I start to cry, trying to scream from beneath his hand that's still covering my mouth. Finally I'm able to briefly let out a loud, blood-curdling scream. That'll get Neptune's attention. It has to.
Key Lime: *angrily* You little bitch. You want us to get caught, don't you?
Indigo: ...
Key Lime: I told you to stay quiet.
He removes his hand from my mouth and puts it around my throat, slowly tightening until I'm barely able to breathe.
Indigo: *gasping* Can't...breathe...
Key Lime: I'll just choke you out so I can finish up. Not like you're joining in anyway...
Neptune: What the f*** are you doing, Key. GET OFF OF HER. NOW!
Key Lime: Leave us alone, Nep. I'm busy, come back later.
Neptune: NOW, Key, before I come over there and rip you off.
Key Lime: Dammit, okay. Listen, Nep, she agreed to help us have a I was doing my part and making our baby. Now we don't have to worry about the medical expenses and appointments...
Neptune: What the hell is wrong with you? You know that isn't how that works! You really think that raping my sister is the way to go. You sick bastard!
Key Lime: Hey, I wanted to know what it's like being with a woman. Guess I'm not totally gay. That's some good s*** right there.
Neptune: You need to leave. We're over. Grab your stuff and don't come back here. I don't want to see your face again...
I just lay there on the bed during their arguing, doubled over in pain, still in shock about what just happened. What am I going to do now? I felt sick and ashamed.
Finally, Neptune forced Key Lime to leave, all his belongings in tow. I hope he doesn't come back. I can't face him again after that.
Neptune comes over to me, clearly upset.
Neptune: Come on, Indi, let's get you cleaned up. I can't believe that asshole did this to you. I never imagined he'd ever do something like you of all people.
Indigo: I'll do it myself. I just wanna be alone right now.
Neptune: I understand. I'm really sorry this happened. I feel so guilty, like I could have stopped or prevented it.
Indigo: There's nothing else you could have done. You didn't know he'd do it. Thanks for coming when you did. I honestly thought he was going to kill me.
Neptune: I-I'll let you be alone. I'll be in the living room if you need me.
I lay there for awhile, just thinking. Eventually, I forced myself to get up and changed into some clean clothes before going to join Neptune in the living room.
Neptune: Hey there. You feeling okay?
Indigo: I'm okay...I guess, considering...
Neptune: I'm sorry. I should have never asked you to come here...
Indigo: It's not your fault, Nep. I don't blame you at all. You saved me. I should be thanking you.
Neptune: Please, don't. I failed you as a big brother. It should never have happened.
I lay my head on his lap. He's so clearly blaming himself for everything. I wish I could express to him how much he means to me. My big brother, my protector. I couldn't ask for anything more.
Indigo: I'm going to head home, just in case he comes back. I can't look at him after that.
Neptune: That's probably for the best. It sucks that you have to remember this trip like this. I'll take you home. I don't think you should be alone after that.
He drove me all the way home, a two hour drive. I thanked him for the ride. He gave me a small smile that says 'I'm sorry', and leaves.
I walk in the front door and am greeted by Huck who's happy to see me. Then his face falls, picking up on my distress.
Huck: Oh my God, Indi, what happened? I see it on your face. Something bad happened didn't it?
Indigo: It was first, but last night...
Huck: Last night, what?
Indigo: I was sleeping, and when I awoke Key Lime...he...he...was on top of me...He raped me...and choked me, and...*sobbing*
Huck: Holy s***, Indigo, are you okay? That motherf***er is going to get what's coming to him. If I see him, I'm going to beat the s*** out of him.
Indigo: He's not worth it. I never want to see him again. It-it was awful, I couldn't get him off...I tried but he was too strong. I'm sorry, Huck...
Huck: Sorry for what? You didn't do anything. I know that.
Indigo: He didn't use protection.. He said he was trying to make a baby. What if I'm...?
Huck: God, I hope not.
Indigo: But, what if?
Huck: *sigh* Well, if that's the case, we'll figure it out. Just relax and pray that that's not going to happen.
I stay in his arms, comforted just from being with him. Can this situation get any worse?
Yes. Yes it can. And it did.
<-- Chapter 8-5
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