Chantilly: K!
She hobbles towards my parents to give them a hug goodbye. Today the three of us are moving to our new home in Del Sol Valley. It was Mac's idea. That way we'd be closer to work, and could be together all the time.
Indigo: We're going to miss you, sweetie.
Huck: We'll come and visit when we can, okay? You be good for mommy and daddy.
Chantilly: K, love you grampa, love you gramma
Indigo: We love you, too, Tilly. Good bye, baby.
I hug them good bye as well. It was emotional for me because I've never been away from them, now we're moving two hours away, where I won't see them very often.
Huck: Love you, Lav. Good luck.
Indigo: Go get 'em, baby. Show them [actors] what you're made of. You can do it. Keep us in the loop, okay? Don't forget about us when you're famous.
Lavender: *laughs* Love you guys, and thank you...for everything.
Earlier in the day, my parents, siblings and I took some family photos. Mac entertained Tilly and put her down for a nap so that we could do it. It was fun being all together one last time for a while. Who knows when I'll see them all again?
Well this is it. What do ya think?
Lavender: Wow, this is gorgeous!
Macadamia: I had it built specially for us. I love how it turned out.
Lavender: Thanks, baby, but isn't this a little...much? I mean, it's huge. Do we need a house this big? It's just the three of us.
Macadamia: Who knows? That might change. *winks* Anyway, I wanted us to have plenty of space, and let Chantilly have the opportunity to have everything she wants. Plus this area is secure and private, just what we need. It would have been weird building a small house on this beautiful plot of land.
Lavender: If you say so.
Macadamia: So, do you like it?
Lavender: I love it. It will just take me a while to get used to the size.
Macadamia: *smiles* Good. Welcome home, Lav. Here's to a new beginning.
Lavender: *smiles back* Amen.
We walk into the house, and I'm blown away. It was everything I could have asked for...and more.
And the view out back was wonderful, overlooking the city of Del Sol Valley.
The view inspired me to pick up painting again. It became my side hobby. Acting was still my main focus.
Speaking of acting...
I finally got a gig. I had spent the past couple years after Tilly was born brushing up on my acting, and it has finally paid off!
My costar and I have a lot of fun filming and have become good friends. Between you and me, I think he has a crush on me. Let him live his little fantasy. It's never going to happen.
Lavender: So how'd I do?
Director: Excellent work, Lavender. You're a natural. How would you like to be a regular here at the studio? We need people with your talent.
Lavender: I'd love to. Thanks so much!
Direction: Great, see you soon, dear.
Lavender: Thank you!
Mac stopped by the studio to see how it went. The crew was surprised to see such a big star walk through the doors. They were even more surprised that he was walking up to me, of all people.
Costar: Woah, it's Macadamia!
Director: Macadamia, good to see you. What are you doing here?
Macadamia: Checking up on this beautiful young lady.
Director: You know him, Lavender?
Lavender: You can say that.
Macadamia: She's my good friend. We go waaaay back. Ready to go, Lav?
Lavender: Yep!
The director's jaw dropped as we walked out together.
Lavender: Way to blow our cover, Mac.
Macadamia: So what? We know each other. I didn't say we are dating.
Lavender: True. Well, I guess that'll give me brownie points with the director, huh?
Macadamia: Yeah, probably. Let's go celebrate your new gig.
Lavender: Yeah, sure.
We went to the bar in town, a celebrity hotspot. As soon as Mac stepped through the door, fans and paparazzi alike surround him, taking pictures, asking for hugs and swooning. I couldn't help but feel a little annoyed by all the attention he was getting from the girls. I see how he used to use this to his advantage.
I kept my distance and just pretended to be just another fan, like I used to be. I think I played the part pretty well.
Mac was eating this up. It's like he was made for fame.
He decided to put on an impromptu performance.
By the time he finished his song, a group had formed around him, me included. Even though I'm dating him, it still amazes me how much talent that man has.
He walks right up to me. What is he doing? We're supposed to be keeping this on the down low.
Macadamia: Ladies, and gentlemen, I'd like to introduce you to someone very special to me.
[gasps from the crowd]
I give him a confused look. He's got something up his sleeve, I know it. This wasn't part of the plan.
He stops directly in front of me, a coy smile on his face. Cameras following his every mood.
Macadamia: This is my beautiful girlfriend, Lavender. I'd like you all to know that she's with me, and I love her with my heart and soul.
I glare at him. Did he seriously just expose our relationship? He's letting the limelight get to him. I'm starting to get pissed.
Then he gets down on one knee. Seriously? This was his plan? To embarrass me in front of a group of people?
[more gasps from the group]
Macadamia: Lavender, I know we had our ups and downs, especially in the beginning, but I love you. I have since we met, and I always will. Will you marry me?
As much as I was irked that he didn't let me in on this, I couldn't be angry at him. He's trying to be romantic, and I know he's not just doing this for publicity. They were going to find out eventually, right?
Lavender: Yes, Mac, yes I'll marry you!
Macadamia: Thank you, baby. I love you.
Lavender: I love you, too.
My heart melted. The look on his face was so sweet. I pull him closer and give him a kiss.
[whispers and sobs from fans]
Female fan: *scoffs* Why's she so special? Why not someone like me?
Female fan #2: Awww, how sweet. They look so cute together!
Female fan #3: I didn't know he was dating someone! No fair!
All of the sudden, I was in the spotlight. I felt awkward. I didn't do anything to deserve this kind of attention. Mac's fans were looking at me, taking pics of me. One guy even came up and asked for a hug. What the hell?
I was getting looks the rest of the night. So much for anonymity. I could see Mac in the corner of my eye, smiling. He was clearly amused.

I could get used to this.
Mac finally decided to join me in the mass of people. And the fans went wild. So we posed for photos together. There was no way we were going to get away from them if we refused.
We had a couple drinks at the bar before heading home. I'm sure the babysitter is ready to go home by now. I was exhausted after the eventful day I had.
And now, thanks to Mac's influence, I was famous, and wouldn't be getting too much privacy after that little stunt.
I had finally achieved my dream, though it wasn't from my own doing.
I was famous.
<-- Chapter 9-2
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