Being in the public eye isn't everything it's cracked up to be. We've been having a hard time finding privacy, even at home. The paparazzi are everywhere and I feel like I'm being watched constantly. It seems we're currently the talk of the town, especially since we just got married and word got out pretty fast. Our faces are all over the papers and the news.

Chantilly, now a child, really enjoys being in the spot light. She talks to everyone, and is quite popular with the other kids. You would think this is what she was born to do.
We've been enjoying going to the pool/park to get out of the house and spend time together. Unfortunately, the paparazzi have caught on to our routine and bombard us whenever we go there.
Mac has been getting really annoyed with them lately.
Macadamia: C'mon, guys, can we get a little privacy please?
[muttering and camera snaps]
Macadamia: *sigh* I guess that's a no.
Lavender: I guess we'll just have to ignore them.
Macadamia: They were so much easier to deal with before, when I didn't have a family to worry about. Now it's just annoying.
Lavender: Yeah, I get it...Oh, f***.
Macadamia: What's wrong, Lav?
Lavender: I think I'm gonna be sick. Be right back.
This isn't good. I started feeling nauseous all of a sudden. I hope I'm not coming down with a cold. I ran to the bathroom as quickly as I could manage. I barely made it to the toilet when I puked.
Macadamia came in a couple minutes later after ditching the paparazzi.
Macadamia: Are you okay? Is it a stomach bug?
Lavender: I-I don't know. Maybe.
Macadamia: Let's get Tilly and go home. You don't look so good.
Lavender: Good idea.
The nausea came and went periodically. I'd be fine one minute and the next I'd feel sick. The more I thought about it, the more I came to a different conclusion. I just need to take the test to know for sure.
I went out to the drugstore and picked up the test.
Here's the moment of truth...
Lavender: Mac! Come here for a minute.
Macadamia (from other room): Coming!
He enters the bathroom, looking concerned.
Macadamia: Hey, what's- A pregnancy test? You think...
Lavender: I think so. Come here and look. It should be about to finish analyzing.
He stands next to me and holds one end of the test.
Macadamia: The suspense is killing me.
Lavender: *rolls eyes* You're so impatient.
Finally, after several minutes of waiting, the display changed, displaying one simple word.
Lavender: It's...positive.
Macadamia: So...we're having another baby?
Lavender: Yes, that's what a positive pregnancy test means.
I jump into his arms excitedly.
Macadamia: Wow, I can't believe it. Another baby...
Lavender: I know, it's so unexpected. I'm so excited!
Macadamia: I can see that. I am too. The more the merrier, right?
Lavender: *giggles* Right.
Lavender: Tilly, honey, I need to talk to you. Can you join me in the living room, please?
Chantilly: Sure, Mom, be right there.
Chantilly: What do you need to talk to me about? Did I do something wrong?
Lavender: No, honey, nothing like that. I wanted to tell you that you're going to be a big sister.
Lavender: Yes, sweetie.
Chantilly: Wow, cool. I can't wait!
Lavender: I glad you're happy about it. I was worried you'd be mad.
Chantilly: Why would I be mad? I've always wanted a baby brother or sister.
Lavender: You've been an only child for nine years, I was afraid you'd be reluctant to give that up. But I'm relieved to hear otherwise. Thank you, Tilly. I love you.
Chantilly: Love you too, Mom.
With that out of the way, I am able to focus on getting prepared and booking doctor's appointments, etc. I can already see headlines from the media eating this information up once word of my pregnancy gets around. I'm not looking forward to that kind of attention.
I started showing pretty early on. The rumors of my pregnancy will start spreading soon.
My parents came out to visit, and I was surprised by how old they are looking now. Much more so than the last time I saw them. I told them the news and they were thrilled to be having another grandchild. Unfortunately, they could only stay for a couple days before having to head back home.
This time around, my hormones were really raging, and all I wanted was to be near Mac, all the time. It was weird, because I never felt that way last time.
Macadamia: So how are you feeling today, babe?
Lavender: Good, finally. I don't have the morning sickness anymore. Thank God. But there is something that I really need right about now.
Macadamia: Here it comes. What are you craving?
Lavender: It's not a craving, not exactly. My hormones are driving me crazy...I really need sex right now.
Macadamia: Oh...
Lavender: Is that a problem?
Macadamia: *Smiles* Of course not. That's the last thing I expected to come out of your mouth. You're craving sex? Really? That's new.
Lavender: Don't laugh at me. I can't help it.
Macadamia: I'm not laughing. Let's take care of that right away...*winks*
We head upstairs to the bedroom, and sit on the side of the bed. First comes the kisses, then it escalated into the sex that my body was craving. It's funny how pregnancy works sometimes.

Lavender: F***, yes, much better. I needed this.
Macadamia: You're a weird one, Lav.
Lavender: Gee, thanks.
Macadamia: *laughs* You're welcome.
Months passed, and my pregnancy was going well. The hormones were still going crazy, but not as bad as in the beginning. I was learning to ignore them.
Tonight Mac threw a fundraiser party for charity. The only place available at the time we needed it was a bar on the edge of town. We had decided to allow a limited number of fans to come and hang out. Good publicity, you know?
It was pretty relaxed. People just hung around and had drinks and danced, chatted about the charity, and where the money is going to. That kind of thing.
About halfway through the party, I was exhausted. Being almost nine months pregnant takes a lot out of you. I decided to call it a night.
Macadamia: Hey, there you are. Having fun?
Lavender: Yeah, lots.
Macadamia: Great.
Lavender: Hey, babe, I'm tired. I'm gonna go home and get some sleep.
Macadamia: Alrighty. I'll see you later, then. Love you.
Lavender: Love you! Behave yourself, mister.
Macadamia: Very funny. Of course I will.
I went home, but I couldn't sleep. The baby was keeping me up with his kicking, so I just decided to take a bath and hang around until Mac got home. I sat around wondering how the party is going. I know it's important to him. I wished I wasn't too tired to stay around and support his cause.
He finally got home around 5AM, way later than I expected. Chantilly had gone to bed hours ago, so I have been sitting around by myself awaiting his return. The sun was already starting to come up.
He opens the door, stumbling over his own feet. I could tell that he had way too much to drink, something that I've never seen him do before. I was pissed.
Macadamia: *slurring* Oh, hey baby. I thought you'd be asleep. But since you're up...
Lavender: Mac, go to bed, you're sloshed. You need to sober up.
Macadamia: Let's have a little fun first. I need you right now...
Lavender: No, Mac. Not when you're like this. Now go to bed.
Macadamia: But...
Lavender: Now.
Macadamia: Okay, fine...meanie.
I roll my eyes. I swear, It's like taking care of a two-year-old. I helped him upstairs so that he wouldn't hurt himself and let him flop himself on the bed. He was out cold within minutes of touching the bed. Thank God. I don't want to deal with his drunk antics right now.

him in this state concerned me. He isn't one to drink a lot, especially
in public with all the paparazzi and fans around all the time. It makes
me wonder what else happened.
Should I be worried?
Yes. Yes I should.
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