Thursday, May 2, 2019

Chapter 6-6

A couple years have passed and, thankfully, no signs of Turq. 

Cyan is a curious ball of energy. Have you ever heard of the saying that "what comes around, goes around?" Well, I'm definitely on the receiving end of it with Cyan. I was very mischievous as a child, and Cyan is proving to be just as bad as I was when I was young. I'm constantly having to scold him for making a mess or playing in the toilet. He can be such a handful. In terms of temperament, he's very sweet.

Ice has grown into an adorable little girl. She and Cyan have play dates on occasion.

 Cyan's favorite thing to do is go to the park to play, and to observe nature. It's very cute to see his curiousity take over. He tends to cling to me in public so I don't have to worry about him running off.

 The toddler years flew by. Before I knew it, it was his birthday. It's amazing to see my little man growing and developing before my eyes.

The older he gets, the more and more he looks like his father. I just hope he doesn't end up acting like him.

 I'm so happy to have been blessed with such a great kid. He is always smiling, and cheering me up if I have a bad day. He's also very outgoing and will talk to anybody and everybody.

 When I am off of work, and Cyan isn't in school, I take him out to spend some quality time. We'll usually go to the park or the pool to burn off some of his energy, and then go grab some food.

He is very close to other family members as well. He loves to go visit his grandparents.

He and Ice are best friends. It's crazy how much the two of them look alike.

When he's at school, I brush up on my mixology skill for work. And sometimes do some painting. That artistic desire runs through my veins after all.

 My one worry with him is that one day he's going to ask about his father. I'm not prepared for that conversation. What am I going to tell him?

Unfortunately, there is one conversation that I have to have with him now. And it's going to break his heart.
 <-- Chapter 6-5

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