Cyan's POV
Hey, Mom. I'm going to hang out with some friends, okay?

Ivy: Alright, just be back by 10!
Cyan: Roger that, love you!
Ivy: Love you, be safe!

I left the house around 5 PM, heading to the bar to take advantage of their weekly 'Teen Night."
I met with my cousin, Ice, and her friend Bluebelle, my brother Parsley, and my friend Cantaloupe and his girlfriend, Seafoam.
We meet up there everytime they have their 'Teen Night' because it's a way to have some good, clean fun complete with music/karaoke, television and non-alcoholic beer.
Bluebelle is the newest addition to our group, so tonight was the first time I've met her. While the others were goofing around, I decided to get to know her.
Cyan: Hey, it's Bluebell, right?
Bluebelle: Yeah, you can just call me Belle if you want.
Cyan: Okay...Belle. So tell me about yourself? How'd you meet Ice?
Belle: We're in most of the same classes. We were partners on a project and started hanging out after that.
Cyan: Very cool. What are you interested in? Any hobbies?
Belle: I love music. I'm learning to play guitar. What about you?
Cyan: I'm actually really into music too. I play piano, and I'm part of the Music Club at school. You should join, if you have the time. It's a lot of fun.
Belle: Hmmm....maybe I will.
We continued the small talk. The more I talked to her, the more of a connection I felt to her. She is so shy and sweet (and not to mention cute), but I can't help but think that there's more to her, like she's hiding something.
It was starting to get late. I look at my watch. S***, I'm gonna be late. Mom's gonna kill me. I said goodbye to my friends, and hurried out the door. I decided to cut through the park since it's a quicker way to get home.
As I was running along the walk way, I accidentally bump into a man walking the opposite direction. I turn to apologize to him.
Cyan: Sorry, my bad, are you alright?
???: It's okay, kid, no worries.
I stare at him for a moment. He looks so familiar. Where have I seen him before?
Then it clicked. The picture. The one I found of my parents in the album Mom gave me. It's him... it's got to be. But...he's dead isn't he? I need to find out.
Cyan: Sorry, Sir, I know this is random, but do you know Ivy Greene.
Turq: Yes, in fact, I do. We dated about 17 years ago. She probably hates my guts now...after what happened.
Cyan: Why, what happened?
Turq: I treated her horribly. Those were my darkest days. I was addicted to drugs, and they influenced everything I did, and I did some horrible things while high on them. I forced Ivy into sex on almost a daily basis, and I beat her. One time, I beat her so badly that she ended up in the hospital, and it caused her to lose our baby. After that, I hit rock bottom. I came back to see her, and she wasn't there, but her sister was. I-I don't know what came over me...but I-I raped her. That poor sweet innocent girl, Jade. I probably traumatized her...
Sorry...I'm rambling. You probably don't care seeing as this doesn't concern you...
I sit there shocked for a moment. If this is true, then I know why Mom lied to me about him. It sounds like he made her life miserable. One thing is for sure, this is definitely my father. Appearance alone gives it away, but the timeline also fits. I'm seventeen years old, and he dated her seventeen years ago...
Cyan: Sir, actually, this does concern me.
Turq: Oh? How so?
Cyan: My name is Cyan Greene. I am your son. Ivy Greene is my mother.
He stands there with a confused look on his face.
Turq: You're serious? I thought you died...
Cyan: I know it's true. I saw your photo in an album Mom gave me. She told me you died when I was a baby. After what you just told me, I understand why.
Turq: Yeah, I don't blame her. I hurt her very badly. She must've have been protecting you from me.
Cyan: So are you still...?
Turq: On the drugs? No, kicked the habit after the incident with her sister. I couldn't live with myself after that, and decided to get help.
Cyan: That's good to hear.
Turq: Come here... son.
He pulls me into a hug with a smile on his face.
Turq: It makes me so happy to see you alive and well. Don't be a stranger okay?
Cyan: I have a in?
Turq: Eh, it's worth a shot.
I say goodbye and hurry home. Luckily Mom was asleep when I got home so I snuck in without her noticing I was late. Tomorrow was the day to set my plan in motion. Let's hope it works.
Ivy's POV
Cyan: Hey, Mom, there's someone at the door for you.
Ivy: Okay, I'm coming.
I open the door, and I can't believe who's there.
Turq, is that you?
To be continued...
<-- Chapter 6-7
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